What is Pulpotomy? – Pulpotomy Treatment Delhi:

A pulpotomy is a dental procedure that helps save decayed and infected teeth. The pulpotomy involves the removal of the pulp (nerves of the tooth) confined within the tooth’s crown.

If you or your child has a deep cavity, it can irritate, inflame, and infect the pulpal tissue (called pulpitis). Pulp tissue is the innermost layer of a tooth. In such cases, your dentist at Smayate Dental Clinic Delhi may recommend a pulpotomy.

This procedure is also recommended if the underlying pulp is exposed while treating a deep cavity. It makes the pulp susceptible to bacterial infection.

Why Pulpotomy?

It is often perceived as unnecessary to perform a dental procedure such as a pulpotomy on baby teeth that will eventually fall out. The truth is, it is crucial. Baby teeth are vital as they maintain the structure of your child’s jaw and ensure that the permanent teeth erupt correctly.

Additionally, a pulpotomy prevents the spread of infection to neighboring teeth and gums, safeguarding oral health.

Signs that a child may need Pulpotomy – Pulpotomy Treatment Delhi:

  • Sudden pain
  • Sensitivity to hot and cold
  • Cracked or chipped tooth (causing pulp exposure)

Benefits of Pulpotomy – Pulpotomy Treatment Delhi:

Baby teeth are more prone to dental decay leading to an infected pulp. With pulp therapy at Smayate Dental Clinic Delhi, your child can experience relief. It has the following benefits:

  • Reduced pain and discomfort
  • Treats tooth sensitivity
  • Prevents the spread of infection and pus formation
  • Stops further tooth damage
  • Can prevent tooth extraction

Pulpotomy Vs. Pulpectomy:

A pulpotomy is a dental procedure in which the dentist removes a portion of the pulp while preserving the remaining pulp and roots. The tooth is then filled with a safe material and covered with a dental crown (cap).

On the other hand, pulpectomies, also called baby root canals, involve the complete removal of the pulp (from the crown and the roots of the tooth). They are often performed on teeth with dead or infected pulp tissue that may have pus. Afterward, the tooth is filled, and a cap is applied.

Procedure- Pulpotomy Treatment Delhi:

X-ray evaluation:

We will perform an X-ray to assess the affected areas and evaluate the extent of pulp damage.

Removal of the damaged pulp:

We focus on removing only the affected part of the pulp, i.e., the pulp tissue confined within the tooth’s crown and the surrounding tooth decay, leaving the healthy portion intact.

Filling the gap:

The gap left after pulpotomy is filled with a biocompatible material with therapeutic properties. This material prevents infection and provides relief to the pulp root.

Placement of crown:

In most cases, we will place a crown on the treated tooth to provide strength and reduce the risk of future fractures and infection.

Does a Pulpotomy hurt? – Pulpotomy Treatment Delhi:

Pulpotomy is a pain-free procedure. Before the procedure starts, dentists at Smayate Dental Clinic Delhi will ensure your child’s comfort by administering local anesthesia and numbing their mouth.


  • Ensure that the child doesn’t eat anything till the effect of anesthesia wears off so that they don’t bite their tongue, cheek, or lip.
  • Prefer eating soft foods that require less chewing for the initial 24 hours of the procedure. Avoid having anything chewy or hard.
  • Do not bite down hard on the treated tooth.
  • Make your child brush and floss their teeth regularly to maintain adequate hygiene.
  • If your dentist at Smayate Dental Clinic Delhi has advised getting a dental crown, do not delay or ignore it.

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