
Here at Smayate dental clinic we care about child’s teeth and want to do our best for their growing jaws & teeth! Preventing cavities is the biggest challenge so our discussion would focus on how to achieve that.

  • Every child loves sugary sticky candies & goodies-this is what leads most of the childhood dental problem. A diet high in refined carbohydrate – sugar & starches will place your child at a risk of tooth decay. Limit your child’s intake of juice, aerated drinks sugary snacks and starches like breads, biscuits, chips, pasta. Opt for fresh fruit, vegetables, cheese, almonds/nuts and milk. Track your child’s meal every week and analyse their food habits.
  • Make sure your child is brushing twice a day and flossing before bed. Brushing for 2 minutes , 2 times a day is essential for children. Brushing after meals and after snacking is a must.
  • For children 6 yrs and above—- Use of 1000 ppm fluoridated toothpaste under parent supervision is advised.Fluoride mouth rinses in caries prone children is advised. Small children do not have the dexterity (motor skills) to brush their teeth effectively. It is recommended that a parent / care giver, brush a child’s teeth, until the child is at least 6 years of age . In older children, brushing must be supervised.
  • 3-6yrs —–Brush twice a day by the parent or care giver with a 500/1000 ppm fluoridated tooth paste(depending on the presence /absence of water fluoridation) use just half a pea size of toothpaste.
    • Toddlers—- Introduce a soft baby brush by one year Use a smear of non -fluoridated tooth paste that is pushed into the brush. Spitting /rinsing is learnt by most children by 1 ½ -2 years. By two years 500 ppm fluoride tooth paste can be started (In areas where the drinking water is non fluoridated ) Just a smear of toothpaste is enough. Switch over to a 1000 ppm fluoride tooth paste once the child learns to spit and rinse (In areas where the drinking water is non fluoridated )
    • Infants —- wrap moistened gauze or soft cloth around the finger and gently clean the teeth and gums just a smear toothpaste for toddlers and half a pea size for children between 3-6 yrs.
  • Do not make a big deal about going to see the dentist. Most parents pass their anxiety on to their children by saying “Don’t worry, they won’t hurt you.” “Don’t worry, Mama will be there” These phrases makes a child wary of their visit and they begin to anticipate pain.
  • At Smayate dental clinic we educate your child about cavities. For children who are more susceptible to decay we offer fluoride & sealants to help prevent cavities from happening.
  • Sealants are a protective coating placed over the biting surface of molars .These molars very often get decayed and sealants seal the deep grooves on their grinding surface and protect the tooth .the teeth most at risk of decay are the – are the six-year and twelve-year molars. Many times the permanent premolars and primary molars will also benefit from sealants. You have a choice of selecting sealants which are either made of clear plastic or colored resin
Pit and fissure sealants is an easy procedure and gives long lasting benefits
When fluoride is used in small amounts on a regular basis it helps to prevent tooth decay. Fluoride causes “remineralization,” of the damaged areas on the teeth. These damaged areas appear as white spots on the tooth and later form cavities. Fluoride applications help make the enamel more resistant to tooth decay. Fluoride can be applied to the teeth in the form of gels and varnishes.
Fluoride gel is a simple- just takes 60 sec !!
  • Customised Sportsguard–Sportsguard are appliances made of soft plastic that protects the teeth, the lips, cheeks, and tongue from trauma when a child is involved in contact sports like football, basketball, hockey, skating, cycling or even gymnastics. Sports guards that are custom- made adapt and fit the childs upper teeth better than ready made ones and keep you safe.
  • 6 Regular Dental visits are a must to ensure a healthy teeth
    The following steps will help your child maintain a cavity-free mouth.
    • Brush effectively twice a day (preferably after every meal) with a fluoride toothpaste
    • Floss once a day
    • Minimize snacking between meals
    • Regular Six monthly dental visits Have sealants and fluoride application to safeguard against decay.

How to prepare your child for the first appointment with the dentist?

To prepare for their first visit: brush their teeth shortly before they come and tell them you are going to the doctor to have them look at teeth and have a ride on a flying chair. It is important to say nothing more. Saying anything more will make the child nervous and they will experience fear of the unknown. There are comics for young children on “visit to the dentist” and these could be extremely helpful.
