Night Guard/Head Ache Treatment

Headaches, migraines, pain in the neck and upper back are often triggered by teeth grinding or jaw clenching. If your upper and lower jaws are not aligned correctly, this leads to stiffness of muscles in the jaw, forehead and neck. This leads to wear of teeth and breakage of teeth.

At Smayate Dental Clinic our expert dentists would examine you to determine whether a splint / night guard will relieve your symptoms. This splint / night guard is custom made for every patient using the impressions of the patients teeth.

A night guard/splint is usually very effective and provides relief from following symptoms:

  • Pain in the jaw joint (TMJ)
  • Stiffness of the muscles of the jaw, neck and face
  • Painful clicking of the jaw joint: a night guard or splint is made after careful examination of the patient. It is generally recommended to wear the night guard during night and sometimes even during the day. The night guard minimizes the damage done by teeth grinding and jaw clenching. This in turn reduces the chances of nagging headaches and migraines.
