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Tooth Sensitivity

A brief about Tooth Sensitivity

Tooth sensitivity or dentinal hypersensitivity is a common problem in which the teeth show an exaggerated response to hot and cold stimuli. The first layer of the tooth is called enamel, which protects it from all the triggers. With time, the enamel wears off, exposing the underlying dentin. If you are wondering about the causes and cure for tooth sensitivity, then hold on and read the information provided below- brought to you by Smayate Dental Clinic Delhi.

What causes tooth sensitivity?

Enamel erosion

With age, the first layer of the tooth wears off and underlying dentin gets exposed. Other causes of wearing off the enamel include aggressive brushing. Improper brushing technique and aggressively brushing with a hard bristled brush are common causes of enamel wear. Consumption of excessive amounts of acidic food content is also a major cause of enamel erosion. 

Teeth grinding

Bruxism or teeth clenching is a parafunctional habit that causes wear and tear of enamel. Stress and anxiety are the common causes of teeth clenching. A mouthguard is an effective way of protecting teeth from damage. Grinding of teeth leads to wearing off enamel and leads to tooth sensitivity. 

Gums recession

Another common cause of tooth sensitivity is the recession of gums. Receding gums expose the root surface, leading to sensitivity. The grafting of gums is an effective solution for such cases. 

Excessive whitening

Excessive and too frequent whitening is another cause of sensitivity. It is always suggested to opt for in-office bleaching to avoid such complications. Professional teeth whitening is a safer and more effective way of enhancing your smile. 

How to ease tooth sensitivity

Choose the Right Toothpaste

The most effective way to combat tooth sensitivity is using the right toothpaste. Always opt for toothpaste specifically designed for sensitive teeth. These toothpaste varieties contain ingredients like potassium nitrate or strontium chloride, which help block the nerve pathways that transmit pain signals from the tooth’s surface to the nerve. Make sure to brush your teeth gently with a soft-bristle toothbrush to avoid further enamel erosion. 

Watch Your Diet

Your diet plays a significant role in tooth sensitivity. Avoid consumption of highly acidic food items like citrus fruits, soda, and vinegar. 

Wear a Nightguard

Grinding your teeth while sleeping (a condition known as bruxism) can lead to enamel erosion. Consider wearing a nightguard, a custom-made dental appliance, to protect your teeth from grinding forces. This will reduce sensitivity and prevent other dental issues related to bruxism, such as cracked or chipped teeth.

Dental bonding

The bonding agent is applied on the exposed dentin, which helps act as a barrier to protect it from sensitivity. It is a common method suggested by our experts at Smayate Dental Clinic Delhi.

Fluoride application

Fluoride treatment is an effective way of managing tooth sensitivity. It helps form the reparative dentin that acts as a barrier.

Root canal treatment

When all the other measures have failed to combat tooth sensitivity, RCT is used to effectively manage the pain associated with it. The nerves and vessels are removed from the tooth and filled with an inert filling material.

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