How to Stabilize Loose Teeth

Loose teeth – How to stabilize loose teeth

Having loose teeth in a child is not a concern when it is a milk tooth; we know it will eventually fall out. But imagine having loose teeth as an adult. Sounds scary! Right?

Do you know how to tackle this problem and what causes loose teeth in adults? If you have similar questions popping into your head, then hold on and read the information provided below- brought to you by Smayate Dental Clinic Delhi

Loose teeth often indicate an underlying gum problem; the indicative signs to watch out for are mentioned below. However, it should be noted it is important to get your complete clinical examination done by our experts at Smayate Dental Clinic Delhi to find the root cause of the problem

  • Redness in the gums
  • Swollen gums
  • Receding gum line
  • Bleeding gums
  • Tooth pain or around the adjacent areas

Causes of loose teeth in adults – How to stabilize loose teeth

Advanced Gum diseases

The initial gum disease is limited to the soft tissues and causes changes in the color of the gums. As the gum disease progresses, it spreads to the supporting tissues and leads to problems with tooth stability. As the support structures are involved, the teeth become loose. Prompt action against gum disease is the need of the hour for effectively managing such loose teeth. 


Direct trauma, like a fight or accident, or a direct fall can lead to loose teeth. The tooth takes the impact and does not break but becomes loose. To identify the severity of the trauma, we need to clinically and radiographically examine your teeth. 


Due to hormonal changes, the gum tissues are altered during pregnancy. Regular checkups are advised, as studies have shown gum diseases to be linked with premature birth. 

Medical conditions

Some conditions like diabetes also affect the supporting tissues and make the teeth loose. It is advised to monitor the blood sugar levels in susceptible individuals

Diagnosis of loose teeth  

The clinical and radiographic evaluation of your teeth is important to analyze the severity of tooth mobility. A correct diagnosis will help our experts customize the treatment plan. 

Available treatment options – How to stabilize loose teeth

Bone grafting

Bone grafting is done in cases of severe bone atrophy. It is done to help regenerate the bone and make the surrounding area of the teeth stable. It is an effective technique for severely atrophied bone cases

Flap surgery

We put an incision on the gums to facilitate deep cleaning and place the flaps back to promote regeneration and healing, preventing tooth loss.


Splinting allows the loose teeth to become stable in their position and heal rapidly.

Bonding a small piece of metal between two adjacent teeth gives the loose tooth extra support. 


It is often the last option when all the other measures have failed to save the tooth. The entire tooth extraction procedure is entirely painless and done after making the surrounding area numb by the effect of local anesthesia.

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